Content Partner: Getting Started
Which Partner Integrations does JustWatch offer?
JustWatch Partner Integrations enable you to receive up-to-date information on the VOD availability for movies and tv shows on legal VOD services such as Amazon Video, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, iTunes and many more.
Fast Facts:
- The JustWatch Partner Integrations currently include our API, a data dump and our widget
- VOD availability for to up to 250.000 movies and 60.000 tv-shows, over 3.900 local provider catalogues and more than 500 unique providers in over 100 countries
- Fresh data: daily updates for all available streaming services
What data do you get from the JustWatch Partner Integrations?
A title always represents a specific movie or show. Titles include of the following information:
- Title
- Release year
- Production country
- Director
An offer is the basic unit of information that describes the availability of a title. If a title is available in any of our included provider catalogues, we will list all availabilities for that title. An offer includes the following information:
- Price and currency
- Monetization Type: flatrate, rent, buy, ads, free, none
- Presentation Type: sd, hd, 4k, canvas, dvd, blu-ray
- Provider ID: See providers section
- URLs: A direct link to a title page for a provider
A provider is what we call a VOD service and its catalogue. Examples of providers are Amazon Video, Netflix, etc. Every Provider that is returned by the General Provider Info Route is supported by JustWatch. That means we have the offers for the catalogue available. You can pull the full list of supported providers and the following information from the API:
- Provider ID
- Name
- Icon URL
JustWatch is continually including support for more countries. You can get a full list of supported countries from the Active Countries Route, including the following data:
- URL Part
- Full Locale
- Status
- Country
- Currency
JustWatch continually updates titles with new offers. Through our Data Dump, you can download a full list of all titles with offers. We suggest using this data dump as a way to refresh availability data for all titles.
Branding and Linking to JustWatch
Each partner is required to integrate branded links to the JustWatch website. Please find below an integration guide on how to link to JustWatch:
- Branded Link should be displayed on the page next to every widget / “where to watch” integration and every page where the widget is displayed
- The link should lead to the country specific sub-folder with the target film or tv show (
- The anchor text should be “JustWatch” with JustWatch wrapped in a img tag with alt text containing “JustWatch”
- We prefer the JustWatch logo to be in gold, but black or white is fine as well (depending on the background)
- This CodePen has an example of how the title page link should look like:
How to report data inaccuracies?
For any technical or data related questions or problems, you can always contact us under To further improve data quality, we recommend integrating a button/link on the page (e.g. below the widget), pointing users to our feedback form.